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Looking for work? We can help.

Join Jacobs Jobs today as a freelancer to get in front of the best businesses in Wales.

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Freelance marketer and web-designer based in Newport.
Brand and identity freelancer based in Cardiff.

Freelancing is HARD, so we're to help

We get the struggle. We've been freelancers ourselves so understand the long hours, relentless chasing, and trying to market yourself across 5 different channels. So we're trying to make your life easier.

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We do a shed load of SEO and social marketing to get you found.
Central Online Profile
Your own, straight to the point profile to make you shine.
Join the conversation and get found by agencies and businesses across Wales.
Job Board
Get new freelance jobs straight in your dashboard to apply for.

Who can join?

We're focus on three sectors; Marketing, Tech and Creative. With a vision of blending the way the world works between freelance and full-time, we believe that these two occupations should no longer be siloed. So join the community and work the way you want.

Growers of businesses and passionate about their craft

Always on the pulse of latest trends and client demands, marketers are often the reason businesses thrive. Analytic, creative and results driven, without marketers some of the best start-ups wouldn't be around today.
We appreciate you, so lets find businesses for you to work with that feel the same way.


Builders of the future, and always learning

The people that the world is quickly realising they are in desperate need of. You techies are the reason we can order food at 1am on a Wednesday, find out what our inappropriate family members are doing on Facebook, and watch Nicholas Cages entire discography online..
But seriously, without you the whole world becomes a lot more boring. So let's help you find that next exciting project.


Designers & Creators that make or break your business

You're the type of person that brings an idea to life and brings joy to the people seeing their dreams take their first step in reality. We love that.

There's been a lot of drama around the creative sector recently, and if you haven't retrained yourself in a different profession... we'd love to have you onboard.


Popular Skills

Explore some of our most popular skills! Find exciting talent, and opportunities that match with your needs.

Community Support

All of our freelancers are able to join our community where you can interact with business owners and employees of other companies to discuss topics you're passionate about.

You get access to a dedicated channel for all of our freelance talent to discuss how things are going, and get that all important morale support. Plus, exclusive access to live events from top professionals in the industry.

Join Jacobs Jobs
Grow your social profile with Jorge Powell

Regular freelance jobs

Working everyday to find you the best possible opportunities, businesses are able to post freelance jobs free on our platform, meaning less barriers to you.

Building a social profile, endless hours of SEO and a few other tricks up our sleeves, we're getting more and more businesses signing up to our platform, all looking for great talent.

Sweet New Deals

We didn't get here on our own. Over the past two years we've had help and support from some truly incredible businesses that love to pass on support to people just like you.

From software deals, co-working membership discounts, special event prices and so much more, we understand how money can often be tight as a freelancer, so we feel like discounts go a long way.

"What're you waiting foooor?"

Get stuck in

We're building, developing and growing day by day. We're not perfect, and never will be, as there's always room for improvement. But hopefully, you're not looking for perfect, just a great place to find opportunities, and make connections.